Connected Machining
Connected Machining intelligently networks the process chain with your HEIDENHAIN controls on the shop floor. You benefit from full digital job management and data management while maximizing potential and improving productivity, cost-effectiveness, quality, on-time reliability, and time management.
Integrate HEIDENHAIN controls into your company network
The HEIDENHAIN DNC interface
The HEIDENHAIN DNC interface lets you integrate your machine tool equipped with a HEIDENHAIN control into your corporate network. HEIDENHAIN DNC enables the automatic exchange of data with:
- Machine- and production-data acquisition systems (MDA/PDA)
- Higher-level ERP/MES systems
- Inventory management systems
- Production activity control systems
- CAD and CAM systems
- Simulation tools
- Tool-management systems
- Automation solutions
- StateMonitor

HEIDENHAIN DNC is easy to implement
In order for you to use the HEIDENHAIN DNC software interface, HEIDENHAIN offers the RemoTools SDK software development package. For the development environments on Windows operating systems, RemoTools SDK provides a Microsoft COM component for communication with the HEIDENHIAN control.
Use Windows applications on the control
Remote Desktop Manager
Remote Desktop Manager enables direct and real-time access to data and applications through the TNC control. You can see, edit, and share all information in the network. You can also run and use a wide variety of applications directly on your control:
- Technical drawings and CAD data
- NC programs
- Tool data, work instructions, and parts lists
- Warehouse information
- MES (manufacturing execution systems)
- ERP systems (enterprise resource planning)
- Web applications and e-mail

How Remote Desktop Manager works
Remote Desktop Manager lets you conveniently switch between the standard control screen and the user interface of a Windows PC by pushing a button on the keyboard. This can be a computer in the local network or an industrial PC in the machine’s electrical cabinet.
Take your office to the machine
Turn your shop floor into a full-fledged part of an efficient process chain. Remote Desktop Manager lets you use even resource-intensive CAD/CAM applications on your control without affecting the machine performance or the quality of CNC machining.
Exchange data between your programming station and control
TNCremo and TNCremoPlus
The free TNCremo PC software lets you exchange data between your programming station and TNC control, allowing you to do the following:
- Transmit machining programs, tool tables, and pallet tables
- Create service files
- Create data backups
- Create a screenshot of the control’s screen
The paid version, TNCremoPlus, provides an additional advanced function. For example, the live screen function lets you remotely keep an eye on the control.

The machine on the shop floor perfectly modeled on the programming station
The Digital Twin
The Digital Twin on the programming station is a realistic copy of the machine on the shop floor. You can use the same kinematics, parameters, and functions of your shopfloor machine while designing and programming in the office. You also have the assurance that programs created with CAM systems or the programming station will run seamlessly on the machine.