June 5, 2024

Hidden value of sealed encoders in reducing ownership expenses

In the rapidly evolving industrial landscape, manufacturers face the dual challenge of boosting operational efficiency and managing overhead costs. Key to addressing these challenges is the strategic selection of components such as encoders, which significantly influence both productivity and maintenance expenses. 

This article explores the considerable benefits of the HEIDENHAIN LC and RCN series encoders, emphasizing how their advanced technologies not only enhance performance but also substantially reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO). Understanding TCO—a calculation that includes not just the purchase price of an asset but also the cumulative costs of operation throughout its lifecycle—is crucial for businesses aiming to make informed decisions that optimize long-term value.

Common challenges that impact overall cost of ownership

Understanding TCO—a calculation that includes not just the purchase price of an asset but also the cumulative costs of operation throughout its lifecycle—is crucial for businesses aiming to make informed decisions that optimize long-term value. Part of that equation is examining environmental and reliability challenges impacting encoder performance and maintenance needs. Let’s look at the most common challenges faced in industrial environments.

Environmental factors

Industrial environments are notorious for their harsh conditions, which can dramatically impair the functionality and longevity of mechanical components. Coolant, moisture and machine way oil are common culprits that degrade traditional encoders. These elements infiltrate the interior of the encoder, and eventually cause the machine to fail. 

Traditional encoders, without this type of optimized scanning, may require frequent maintenance or outright replacement, each of which incurs considerable costs. 

In contrast, HEIDENHAIN encoders are equipped with advanced scanning and robust sealing technologies designed to protect against these environmental aggressors.This not only ensures uninterrupted and reliable operation but also extends the lifespan of the encoders significantly. As a result, businesses can avoid the regular expense of replacing or repairing fewer durable units, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership and improving equipment uptime.

Relationship between performance and reliability

The reliability of performance in the machine tool industry is fundamentally linked to the accuracy and consistency of its components. Encoders, which arecritical in measuring and controlling precise movements and positions, must deliver exact measurements to ensure machines operate efficiently. Any deviation or error in encoder readings can lead to operational inefficiencies and potential downtime for repairs. These inefficiencies often result in costly interruptions to production and increased maintenance expenses.

HEIDENHAIN encoders are designed with a focus on delivering consistent, accurate measurements that support efficient machine operations. The steadfast reliability of HEIDENHAIN encoders means that machines can operate for longer periods under optimal conditions with reduced risk of breakdowns. This reliability is critical for maintaining productivity as well as extending the operational time of the machinery itself, further impacting the total cost of ownership positively.

By addressing these common challenges with superior technology and design, HEIDENHAIN encoders play a pivotal role in helping businesses manage and reduce their total cost of ownership. This is achieved through enhanced durability, reliability and precision, which are essential for maintaining continuous and efficient industrial operations.

How these encoders drive down system costs and enhance reliability

By addressing these common challenges with superior technology and design, HEIDENHAIN encoders play a pivotal role in helping businesses manage and reduce their total cost of ownership. This is achieved through enhanced durability, reliability and precision, which are essential for maintaining continuous and efficient industrial operations.

Let’s explore further how choosing the right encoder solutions can effectively address operational challenges, resulting in substantial cost savings and enhanced system reliability.

No extra filter system

In environments prone to contamination, traditional encoders often require additional filtration systems to protect against pollutants like dirt, oil mist and grease. These systems add to the initial setup cost and demand ongoing maintenance and replacement of filters, significantly increasing operational expenses. 

The HEIDENHAIN LC 6 and RCN 1 series encoders are innovatively designed to function optimally without the need for these auxiliary filtration systems. By leveraging advanced scanning technologies and housing technologies, these encoders prevent contaminants from affecting the internal components and operation of the encoder, thereby maintaining accuracy and functionality. This capability allows businesses to avoid the financial burden associated with purchasing and maintaining additional filtration equipment. The simplification of system design that results from eliminating these extra components also reduces potential points of failure, enhancing system reliability and reducing downtime and associated costs.

Easy installation

One of the more subtle yet notable costs associated with implementing new technology in industrial settings is related to installation. Complex installation processes can lead to extended downtime, higher labor costs and the potential for installation errors, which can further increase expenses due to delays or damage. 

HEIDENHAIN encoders, particularly those in the LC 100, 200 and 400 series, are renowned for their ease of installation. These encoders feature versatile designs that easily adapt to existing systems with minimal modifications required. The user-friendly nature of these devices reduces the time and technical expertise needed to install them, thereby decreasing the costs related to installation labor. Additionally, quicker and simpler installation means machinery can return to production sooner, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Less sealing air

Traditional encoders often rely on a continuous supply of sealing air to prevent contamination from compromising their operational integrity. This requirement entails not only the installation of air supply equipment but also ongoing energy costs to maintain air pressure and flow. Over time, these costs accumulate, adding a substantial amount to the operational expenses of running industrial machinery. 

In most applications, HEIDENHAIN encoders are designed to operate efficiently without the necessity of sealing air. This design innovation eliminates the need for associated air supply systems, thereby saving on both the installation and energy costs involved in maintaining such systems. This reduction in energy consumption not only lowers operational costs but also aligns with sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint of manufacturing operations. By diminishing reliance on sealing air, HEIDENHAIN encoders contribute to a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly production environment.

In sum, the right sealed and angle encoders, such as those offered by HEIDENHAIN, address common industrial challenges by enhancing system design, simplifying installation and reducing the need for additional equipment and resources. These improvements drastically reduce system costs, not only through direct savings but also by minimizing potential downtime and enhancing overall system reliability and efficiency.

How HEIDENHAIN encoders help you achieve your sost goals

The design and technological advancements embedded in HEIDENHAIN encoders significantly lower the total cost of ownership. The RCN series, for example, supports high shaft speeds and integrates temperature sensors, optimizing machine productivity and reducing maintenance frequency. These encoders maintain precise performance even in adverse conditions, ensuring consistent operation without the need for regular maintenance or recalibration.

The LC 6 series encoders are particularly noted for their robustness and consistent accuracy, ensuring long-term reliability even in the most demanding machine tool environments. These features make the LC series a preferred choice for applications requiring high durability and minimal operational interference, thereby extending machine service life and reducing the frequency and costs associated with component replacement or system downtime.

Opting for HEIDENHAIN encoders is a strategic decision that enhances machine efficiency and cuts long-term operational costs considerably. By investing in these high-quality components, businesses can enjoy improved machine reliability, reduced downtime and lower maintenance costs—securing a competitive advantage in their industry.

For a deeper understanding of how HEIDENHAIN encoders can optimize your operations and contribute to substantial cost savings, visit our contact us page. Our experts are ready to assist you in designing a customized solution that aligns with your specific operational needs and financial objectives, ensuring that you maximize your investment and achieve your business goals.

Written by: Milton Willis—Business Development Specialist, Machine Tool

Milton Willis has an impressive track record of over 32 years in the machine tool industry and 26 years with HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION. He has established himself as a technical service expert with a deep understanding of mechanical and electrical machine tools for CNCs. Whether it’s providing technical support or training, Milton is committed to delivering the highest level of service to his clients.