June 15, 2021
Service upgrades encoder testing capabilities
By David Fuson, Service Operations Manager
As part of HEIDENHAIN’s continuing Customer First initiative, the Service Department in Schaumburg, IL, has enhanced its testing capabilities with the acquisition of a new traversing testing device for high-accuracy encoders. Arriving from Germany earlier this year, this new tool is now performing rated speed testing on RON and RCN encoders for North American customers.

Figure 2

Figure 1
In the past, this region’s Service Department had limited testing ability for these encoders and required the turning of it by hand using the shipping plate the encoder came with as a “mounting fixture.” The signals were tested for accuracy but full testing at higher speeds for any duration of time was not possible. This new traversing tool now allows full testing and is actively handling rated speed testing on encoders such as the RON 786 and 886, RPN 886, RCN 7X9, 85XX and 83XX (both in 60 and 100mm shaft diameters).
The new device, seen in Figure 1 testing an RON 786, has reduction gearing to enable the encoder spindle to operate at speeds proper for high-accuracy, high line-count encoders. Figure 2 shows the signal screen in HEIDENHAIN’s ATS software.
Please call on HEIDENHAIN’s North American Service Department directly if in need of this complete encoder testing.
Contact Dan Braasch in Service for more information at: