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Automate with the PNC 610

At the heart of the HEIDENHAIN Automation Solution is the PNC 610 control, which lets you connect external units such as tool, pallet, and workpiece changers to a higher-level control system. The benefits for implementation are vast in conjunction with the PNC basic program, which is free for machine manufacturers. With just minimal training, users enjoy an intuitive interface for machine-tool automation control.
The PNC 610 in detail
Independent control system with PLC
- Separate electrical cabinet possible
- Separate HSCI bus
- Six already activated PLC axes
Easy connection to a higher-level control system
Availability with functional safety (FS)
The HEIDENHAIN PLC basic program makes the PNC 610 easier to use. Its program code is in English, but English and German can be selected for the interface. The basic program includes the PLC code for a pallet changer and a Python interface for user-friendly touch operation, allowing users to drag and drop pallets from the current magazine to another magazine location, a gripper, a staging area, or the machine.